In 1999 when the People’s Democratic Party immersed into power, the Nigerian people concored to the new and seemingly unsinkable agenda of the party.with president Obasanjo, Nigeria’s former head of state, Nigeria began a slow and deliberate transformation into civil life.

Now seventeen years down the democratic tunnel with the PDP shouting “power to the people “while being flushed down the drain, Nigeria is yet to get the gist. With oil prices at a high $140.00 in 2013 compared to $30.00 in 2016, world economies are bracing up for economical bad weather. Nigeria has invested huge amount of resources on the sectors of economy to boost its G.D.P and create jobs sadly, over 60 million Nigerians are finding it difficult to obtain a job with ease. The injection of programs like the sure-p which was intended to relief the programmes in effect create jobs proved fruitless and increased tension and frustration in the inability of the scheme to cushion job seekers earnings.

It became evident in 2004 that the activities of terrorists is a direct reflection of the insecurity in nigerians in search of their daily sustenance apparently, the Nigerian Gov. has lacked creative job abilities but embezzlement of funds meant for these programmes have been plundered by greedy politicians and govt officials and who see the workforce as tools to be used during election as thugs and who see the need for anarchy. Now oil prices has dropped to a historic $38.00 at a historic polls and the Gov. is now APC, the RULING party has resorted to milking the fat cows fed on illegal treasury money in hopes to refill the treasury buckets hopefully to overflow. President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari has sent clear signals indicating his continuation on his war against indiscipline and corruption. Again after the failure and looting characteristic of the subsequent Gov., Nigerians are gathering momentum in support of the anti graft agencies like the EFCC in anticipation of a better nation.

Seven months into the new administration, Tv and newspaper captions convey a sense of confidence in the APC govt after seemingly untouchable individuals who plundered the treasury are struggling to defend themselves in the courts of law. It is now left for the judiciary to persecute these greedy nigerian irrespective who who have fattened the purses of other countries by illegitimate business deals but have starved its citizens to desperation. The recent and of note issues surrounding the expposed fake $20bn arms deal and subsequent moves by the fed govt and anti graft agencies in bringing these individuals like Dasuki etc to book willpave way for the APC to remain in power for a long time.the paradox of the Nigerian situation will make one wonder if the war on currupion is personal agenda or a ppublic need.how ever the coinage time will tell and the nigerian psychology of consumption must change as the political tide and we must believe in the nigerian project.accustions and counter accusations seem to be the order of the days likely to survive a second death if not handled properly,with growing rivalry between the PDPandAPC analyst predict return to better days with pump and peagenry when the two elephants stop stumping over the green grass under their feet in their tussle for power.



Lohman japheth barde is a public commentator and writer.

He lives in jos,read psychology in uj.

Eye Open Shut by Lohman Japheth

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