disrupt cup

TechCrunch Disrupt, who will be the next UNICORN! Over the last two days, over 5,000 attendees along with some aliens online, have watched 25 companies fight it out for the right to call themselves the Startup Battlefield Winner at Disrupt SF 2016.These are the six companies that remain:


BlazingDB lets you run SQL queries on a database, using GPUs to do the heavy lifting for incredible efficiency.

Carbon Health

Carbon Health is a unified place to track your health data, interact with your doctors, and for doctors, pharmacies, and labs to communicate with patients. It handles appointment scheduling, payments, and provides patients with their records.


Everlywell helps customers find mail-order blood tests and runs their analysis through tried-and-true labs. They plan to offer at-home STD tests, breast milk nutrition tests, and tests for male fertility.


Mobalytics is a coach for competitive gamers, so they can discover their weaknesses and make adjustments for future success.


Sqreen constantly checks your web-based app for security threats. You install it with a few command lines, and get a dashboard with analysis of your app’s security in return.


UnifyID thinks they have a way to kill the password. Instead of supplying a password, UnifyID builds an understanding of who you are, the devices you use, where you go, and builds a unique profile based on this to validate your identity.

Source https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/13/these-are-the-six-finalists-in-the-techcrunch-disrupt-sf-2016-startup-battlefield/

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