Image result for Mark Zuckerberg Made $4.7 Billion in The First Two weeks of 2017

While you were busy with new year’s eve preparations, Mark Zuckerberg was busy planning how to earn a ridiculous $4.7 billion in the first two weeks of 2017!

To put $4.7 billion in context, that is:

1. N1,880,000,000,000! More money than you and I will ever see.

2. It’s more than the GDP of 41 countries — for the entire year.

3. It’s half as much as Donald Trump’s total net worth. (Source: Inc.)

The obscene amount of cash makes Zuck the biggest earner of 2017 so far.

Image credit: Quora

According to reports, no single event was responsible for the immense growth, but links have been made to Facebook’s campaign to tackle fake news content online which made the Company share prices to hit an all-time high. Other reports hint at the fluctuations of the market.


Source: Forbes.

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