GrammarPal- screenshot  Have you ever heard of the Nigerian phrase teacher one juccou, well, that’s what this app creator is!

GRAMMARPAL, is an app that wants to get rid of those annoying errors that the current Nigerian educational system can get to.

Unlike the default spell checker on our phones, GrammarPal “tries” to find all other kinds of grammatical errors across any app on your device.

It is super easy to use and it was created by a Nigerian!

Called Kizito Nwose.
Core features:
• Scan your texts for errors directly from any app.
• Instantly see the number of errors in your text after the scan.
• Replace errors with the correct words or phrases.
• Add new words to your custom dictionary so they don’t show as errors.
• Choose the kind of errors you want the app the app to ignore.
• Disable error checking in any app by adding the app to your blacklist.
• [Android 6.0+] Check only a portion of your text by selecting “check for errors” on the text selection toolbar.

What do you think?

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