
We all have that black but clearly non American teacher

Say what! So this guy walks in with a tablet, an over bulging bag and he climbs the podium, then in moment I realized that he is the lecturer with the foreign accent my friends have been yanking my ear about, so in my mind I was like preparing myself for the hand gestures, the trying to be funny but not funny face making, and the questionable body movement etc.

 So this gentle man starts to teach his holding a tablet and a  white board maker obviously he needs to drop one of them to hold the mic but he didn’t, instead he went all multitasker superior, the sight was like comparing Da vinci to an unknown artist, it simply didn’t make sense.
 The problem was that he was acting all ‘Americanah’ in NIGERIA (which is bad), I mean BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE! and what you represent, for pete’s sakes dude some of my mates are clearly from the village and some of them have never owned a TV set in their lives, and some don’t just hear your American accent. I’m not saying that American accent is bad but you have to analyze the kind of student you are teaching or situation you are in.
Communication won’t flow if you are speaking Chinese to me although I only hear and speak Japanese, then why go through the stress of twisting your voice and intentionally making yourself unhearable to your students when you clearly know that you are not communicating with them.

Note that the mic is bad, he is using an American accent to teach and he is teaching number bases!  I do pity the poor student who  just got a lesson in how to not understand the number bases instead of having a lesson in Understanding Number Bases.

I didnt want to take a picture because it would have been totally weird…

Its been a day with that black clearly non-american teacher

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