1. OK, let’s start with something sweet before we get to the ~interesting~ stuff. Green tea chocolate–covered strawberries?

5. So you like insects? Then you’ll love hachinoko, deep-fried bee larvae served as a yummy bar snack.
6. More of a burger fan? You’ll dig Burger King’s iconicKuro Pearl burger, featuring a bamboo charcoal bun, and squid ink black sauce. Yep. Squid. Ink.
7. Or this Red Samurai Chicken burger, with red bun, cheese, and flaming red hot pepper sauce infused with *real samurai blood?
*OK, this may be bullshit.
8. Natto? Doesn’t look too challenging, right? But these stinky, fetid, fermented soybeans are very much an acquired taste.
Flickr: ess_el / Creative Commons
9. Or how about some crunchy, tasty nankotsu — chicken cartilage — stuck in your teeth?
12. Sick of fish roe? Treat treat yo self to some shirako— spectacular fish sperm.
Flickr: clf / Creative Commons
13. Fan of fermented fish guts? You’ll love scrumptiousshiokara.
Flickr: mmm-yoso / Creative Commons
14. Regular salads not crunchy enough? Why not trychirimenjako — thousands of tiny dried baby fish?
Flickr: eeems / Creative Commons
15. Or maybe you prefer your wiggling whitebait live? If so you’ll adore shirouo no odorigui.
Flickr: poohjay / Creative Commons
16. Bit of a tough guy? Torafugu is a toxic pufferfish that has been known to kill. Don’t sashimi yourself!
Yoshikazu Tsuno / Getty Images
17. The ultimate digestive challenge? Ikizukuri — squid that’s still alive. Probably best to leave that one to the Japanese.

Credit Buzzfeed.com