
The provost of the Federal College of Education, Pankshin, Plateau State, David Wonang, has said about 50 students of the college were expelled for examination malpractice.

The provost stated this during a pre-convocation press briefing at the college on Tuesday.

“We do not condone examination malpractice. Last year alone, we expelled between 40 and 50 students due to examination malpractice. We do such exercises on yearly basis,” he said.

He said the college would graduate 13,000 students from 2007 to 2013 academic sessions on Saturday.

According to the provost, of the 13,000 graduating students, 3,000 would be awarded degrees with University of Jos affiliation, while, 10,000 would be awarded NCE.

Speaking on challenges facing the institution, the provost said colleges of education in Nigeria were under-funded.

He explained that the institution had not held its convocation in the last 10 years due shortage of funds and manpower.

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