A city in Belgium was brought to a standstill after the “corpse” of a sperm whale was paraded through its streets on the back of a truck.
Residents of Liège were dumbfounded to see the enormous animal being trailed through their city.
However, there was no need to call marine conservationists – because this whale isn’t real.
The fake sperm whale is being used in a production of Moby Dick this month at the city’s theatre, which documented the prop’s journey through the city’s streets on social media.
But that didn’t prevent many onlookers from believing the animal was real. It certainly is a life-like set decoration, complete with row of sharp teeth and flipper.
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On its Facebook page, Théâtre De Liège kept its followers updated of the whale’s progress through the city.
Alongside an overhead image of the truck and the whale weaving past some cars, it said: “Frankly if you’re in the neighbourhood… Come take a look at this strange delivery… A whale in a theatre, really?!”
It also posted a video taken from a car driving past the whale lorry on a busy road.
On its Twitter feed, the theatre tweeted a picture of the whale arriving on stage.
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The theatre’s production of Moby Dick is based on Orson Welles’ play adaption of Herman Melville’s famous novel.
The Moby Dick production runs from January 17 to 23.
(Pictures: Théâtre De Liège)
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