The length of a second might be about to change

We all know time is a construct, and right now, it's kept by the very precise tick of an international network of around 500 atomic clocks. But now researchers have shown that time could be kept even more accurately with a new-generation of clocks called optical clocks, and they want to use the new system to redefine a second - which would mean we could squeeze even more into our days. (more…)


Gorilla shot and killed in Cincinnati Zoo after a four-year-old entered its enclosure

A gorilla was shot and killed in Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio on Saturday after dragging around a 4-year-old boy who had entered its enclosure. The gorilla, a 17-year-old called Harambe, (pictured) was shot after zookeepers decided a tranquilizer dart would be too slow to take effect. This footage, recorded by a family member of the person who posted it, Amber Soler shows the gorilla dragging the boy around. (more…)