Do not click on this you have been warned!
1. A handsome dick.

Anthony Harvey / Getty Images
AKA Richard Madden.
2. And a pair of furry balls.
3. A rock-hard dick.
Tim Graham / Getty Images
AKA Little Richard.
4. And some heavy balls.
Victor Fraile / Getty Images
5. An important dick.
Keystone / Getty Images
AKA Richard Nixon.
6. And small balls.
Thomas Northcut / Getty Images
7. A happy dick.
Matthew Stockman / Getty Images
AKA Richard Gasquet.
8. And a pair of different-coloured balls.
9. A peaceful dick.
Mike Coppola / Getty Images
AKA Richard “Ringo Starr” Starkey.
10. And a ball being cupped.
Sbhaumik / Getty Images
11. A rich dick.

Rob Kim / Getty Images
AKA Richard Branson.
I can’t believe that people at Buzzfeed get paid to write these sought of articles!
Source: Buzzfeed