ROIS &REINE to showcase at Africa Fashion Week Nigeria 2016

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Rois & Reine is a clothing company specialized in all kinds of men’s wear ranging from corporate, corporate trads, traditional wears, smart casuals, urban and high street, we also do bespoke tailoring.

Our vision  is to be a world class fashion company that uses trending innovative ideas with an African appeal to create our customer’s desires.

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Our designs are simple yet classy, we pay attention to details clean cut to near perfection with excellent fitting on the client. We infuse western influences on our pieces that gives them the overall professional finishing but comes out with an African appeal, our aim is to create an afropolitan man. We sometimes get inspired by the old safari suits and northern kaftan and make them trendier. A well tailored outfit from us must consist of the 3 Fs: “Finesse, Fitting and Functionality”

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Our clientele ranges from successful business mogul, bank executives, high net worth individuals, professional, spiritual leaders,corporate institutions and most recently celebrities.

In summary Our Clothes are made for men that would want their style to speak the language onlooker would understand. Simple with sense and style.

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