DOSAGE A SHORT FILM by Christopher Okonkwo A journey of a thousand miles all begin with the first step.  DOSAGE is a short film by Christopher Okonkwo, talking about love in a very interesting way.  We need more Nigerians to publish their work. Please watch and share.


The New Surface Pro For 2017

Microsoft launched the new Surface Pro.  And it’s still been called, the Surface Pro, you can add 2017 to it just to avoid confusion.   But here is the catch, still no USB-C ports. It’s still 12.3 inches big, plus the dimensions are the exact same size as the Surface Pro 4 —11.50 x 7.9 x 0.33 inches. (more…)


Apple reportedly plans to perform 5G internet tests in Cupertino

Though 5G remains a somewhat nebulous concept because standards organizations have yet to formally classify it, the successor to LTE is broadly understood to be capable of gigabit speeds that rely on mmWave tech. Because mmWave transmits data at a higher frequency, and thus a smaller wavelength of between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, the technology is capable of reducing latency and expanding data transmission capacity. It also opens up possibilities for cutting down on antenna size and for packing more powerful multi-band antennas into a single device. (more…)