
A while ,We never saw each other,
Nor alter The Unknown Words ,
Because,Summer Gave that Space
And cast My loneliness to Winter
And fall….bit by bit…
But again,awoken up.
To feel Fire files in my Belly.
With countless strikes of lightening ,
Tasting of Melodious Thoughts :of my Grace .
O’ ye Patience:Nothing besides remains,
Of the Precious whom you love .
But can’t handle the Hemlock Load…
The weariness,the fever,and the fret ,
That covered my human,
Letting my Grace know Whence:
We said the Unknown Words.
Listen:he was like the Impossible Gravity,
That mistaken my path and shut all doors
Which left me nothing but regretful love and guilt.
Moments when I felt,I have been ,
Half in love with easeful Death
And wished everlasting Endurance!
As He stood On Justice
Waiting To crucify Me
Pointing a sharp Figure
Firing With his tongue
Killing My Confidence
My World noticed
Oh! I’m in Tears
As He roars like a Lions ,to Share
His fire dear
Blinded The crowd With words
How Can thee kill My Soul
Dribbling With Foul
Standing On The pitch
Ready For Match
Blow The trumpet
To create understanding
Speak The unspeakable and
Speak To Speak;He said
That habit
You little hobbit
Count Sounds……To sing Love and Play The lute
Give Me Idiom
And bring down sodium
Curse To curse and curse
My Home That is cursed With Blessings
How Can i regret ?
When He gives Me The impossible To Make
Dark knight
Get ready For battle
Put your Helmet,Armor
Sharpen Thy sword With Pride
And satisfy thy people
For i await More!

SHUT DOORS. By Patience Attah

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