Martin Vargic is a 17-year-old senior student and amateur graphic designer from Slovakia who specialises in creating intricate maps drawn from modern data and pop culture, he rose to international fame in late January 2014, when his work Map of the Internet 1.0 went viral, generating hundreds of thousands of hits and Facebook shares. It was subsequently featured on Mashable, Yahoo, The Daily Mail online, The Independent Slate, Fox News, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Gizmodo and dozens of other sites worldwide including Awomkenneth. He also works under the name Jay Simmons.
In subsequent months, Vargic published several other maps in his portfolio on his website,, each of which were picked up all over the Internet.
Above is his Map of Literature which is been featured in his new book, Vargic’s Miscellany of Curious Maps: Mapping out the Modern World.
“The map is divided into four distinct continents that symbolize the different literary forms: drama, poetry, prose fiction, and prose nonfiction.”
“It took me about three weeks to design and draw the Map of Literature, however I often worked more than 15 hours a day on it.”
“My favourite continent on the map is prose fiction, as it is the most intricate and complex one, and also contains a lot of my favourite books and literary genres (sci-fi and fantasy).”
“I don’t think I have one single favourite book or author, however I particularly enjoyed reading the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, George R.R. Martin, Jules Verne, and Douglas Adams.”
For more of Vargic’s work, you can visit his website here.