The length of a second might be about to change

We all know time is a construct, and right now, it's kept by the very precise tick of an international network of around 500 atomic clocks. But now researchers have shown that time could be kept even more accurately with a new-generation of clocks called optical clocks, and they want to use the new system to redefine a second - which would mean we could squeeze even more into our days. (more…)


France Has Made It A Crime For Your Boss To Email You After Work Hours

If it were in Nigeria, prison go full! Lol... Most Nigerian bosses do not respect the after work hours policy they set, especially when it comes to emails. But, in France Prison is the case, a new law has been passed that makes it  illegal for your employer to email you after working hours, this law was made under “The right to disconnect” amendment. (more…)