Brazil faces virus that shrinks babies’ brains, State of emergency declared

Between 2014 and 2015, Brazil has seen the number of babies Spread by Aedes aegypti mosquito bites, Zika virus usually only causes a mild reaction in children and adults, including symptoms such as an itchy rash, fever, and conjunctivitis. And that’s if you’re unlucky - most people make it through infection with no symptoms at all, which has led experts to refer to it as a "benign disease". Unfortunately for the many pregnant women living in Brazil - who are now in a complete panic over the potential risk to their unborn children - it could be a completely differe


This new waterless toilet can turn human waste into power

Every year we see and hear about new innovation and power generating invention that some say, will change the world! But that has been going on year after year with many inventions claiming they will change the world, if it were all true by now we would be thinking on how to go to a different galaxy. So according to Sciencealert, Around 2.3 billion people around the world are living without access to safe and sanitised toilet facilities, so scientists in the UK have designed a new cheap, waterless, and energy-producing toilet, and it's been scheduled for trials in Af


Delhi has banned half the cars on its roads to combat dangerous pollution

Just weeks after Beijing declared its first red alert status and initiated emergency restrictions to combat dangerous smog levels, another of the world's most polluted capitals has implemented similar measures. Delhi, the capital territory of India, has embarked upon a two-week trial designed to halve the number of privately owned cars on public roads. Under the scheme, four-wheeled vehicles with registration plates ending in odd numbers are prohibited from driving on even dates of the month, and vice versa. (more…)


Happy New Year From Nigeria!

Happy new year guys!!! I mean its 2016 for crying out loud! Even if last year was a piece of shit for you, just focus on the positives like you are still alive to see this new year! My message to you as we enter the unchartered grounds of 2016, is that you should be prayerful, careful, wise (don't keep all your eggs in one basket), be strong caused if you do not have the mandatory will required to move ahead in the coming times you will be thrown off course, be patient, do you remember the saying that the patient dog eats the fattest bone? Always keep that in your