The Nigerian Fashion Scene Is Dead

The Nigerian fashion scene is dead, somebody shout Hallelujah! #MadeInNigeria #MadeInAba #BuyNigeria, do any of this hashtag look or feel familiar? Fashion in Nigeria is like a stage play you only get access to it when a play is on and you are lucky enough to have a ticket, but the problem is while you where busy feeling posh and tosh in boring stage play, the rest of the world was busy watching free online you tube videos by Kratz Tv and Video Nigeria.   Don't get me wrong, Lagos (Lagos is a state in Nigeria, not a country by the way) might be vibrant, but the Niger


Africa Fashion Week Nigeria 2016 Street Catwalk in the Mall

The AFWN launched in 2014, a sister event to the Africa Fashion Week London (AFWL) to enable people showcase their designs. Ronke Ademiluyi, founder of the AFWN who revealed the show was created in Nigeria to provide a platform for designers who can't afford to travel to London to showcase their designs maintains the show is to project Africa and her creatives to the world. (more…)