Dencia la pop star qui blanchit la peau noire copy
In an interview with French publication Le Monde, Singer/Beauty EntrepreneurDencia claims she made $20 Million in revenue from Whitenicious in one year.

Dencia shared her journey to stardom and business success in a recent interview with the Africa edition of the newspaper.

On me reproche de proposer un produit qui pousse les femmes à se conformer à des standards de beauté blanche, plaide Dencia. Les Américains se sentent agressés. Honestly, ce sont juste des réminiscences de l’esclavagisme. » Elle prétend ne pas s’intéresser aux sources de ce malaise, mais en a fait un véritable business et met en avant un chiffre d’affaires de 20 millions de dollars par an.

I am accused of proposing a product that pushes women to conform to white standards of beauty , argues Dencia . Americans feel attacked. Honestly , they are just memories of slavery . “She claims not to be interested in the sources of this discomfort , but has a real business and highlights a turnover of $ 20 million per year.

You can read the full interview HERE
If Dencia’s claims are accurate, it illustrates the huge demand for lightening products by women of colour around the world.

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