Men, get ready for a different kind of workout.

A new device will help you perform a variety of pelvic floor exercises — a.k.a. Kegels — that can boost sexual stamina and prevent leaks from your bladder, making it a nice idea for guys young and old. It’s called the kGoal Boost and it kind of looks like a black and blue vagina.

The thing is basically a big pulsing button that you sit on. You can put it on your office chair, your church pew, whatever. The kGoal Boost may not be the first such device, but it might be the most interactive. It connects to a smartphone app and gives you a variety of exercises and activities centered around flexing that region between your penis and butt. It’s designed to work even if you’re wearing pants.

(Please wear pants.)


The kGoal Boost in action.

In truth, you don’t really need a device to do Kegel exercises. You could be doing them right now! Just flex your no-no zone.

But the activities in the kGoal Boost smartphone app are designed to give you varied workouts. In addition to simple flexing exercises, there’s also a version of the classic arcade game “Breakout!”

Ideally, you’d be activating the button by flexing your pelvic floor muscles.

“Depending on the day, you can work on muscle strength or muscle endurance,” Krieger said.

“The pelvic floor is actually a network of muscles rather than a single muscle. Our exercises are actually going after the network,” Jonathan Thomas, Minna Life’s chief operating officer, added.

Another bonus, depending on how dedicated you are: The kGoal Boost app will remind you to do your exercises, and Minna Life hopes to incorporate a competitive aspect that will allow you to measure your Kegel fitness against others’.