We’ve all been there – it could be your first day at a new school, a job interview, or yep, even your wedding day, but that one pimple right in the middle of your face always seems to appear at the absolute worst moment, whether you’re an oily teenager or not. Unless you’re very, very lucky, pimples are a part of life for most of us, and you’d be hard-pressed to find somebody with a miracle cure. So why do we get pimples, and how can we stop them?

As AsapSCIENCE explains above, it all comes down to our pores – those tiny hair follicles that cover just about every inch of our body and contain an oily substance called sebum. Sebum is regularly secreted by our pores to keep our body hair moisturised. So far so good.

But if that hair follicle get clogged up with dead skin cells and oils, a blockage occurs, and that sebum will keep flowing with no where to go. And to make matters worse, that’s when bacteria come into play.

source http://www.sciencealert.com/watch-is-there-a-pimple-cure

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