False Alarm: Jussie Smollett Is Not Resigning From FOX’s ‘Empire’

False Alarm: Jussie Smollett Is Not Resigning From FOX’s ‘Empire’  So come next Wednesday (May 18th), Fox’s will air the season two finale of their hit show “Empire,” and worrying part is if Jussie Smollett’s character, Jamal Lyon, would be a gonner.

Then after last night’s episode, Smollett posted a tweet that sounds like he was leaving the show for good.  And people are getting very emotional about it, it’s seem like the gay character is the most on the show?




But Entertainment Weekly confirms that Smollett isn’t going anywhere. They report he still remains under contract, so maybe Smollett simply plans on taking a hiatus to focus on a music career and other movie roles.


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