Nikon’s D7500 is a mid-range DSLR photographers bae

Where the photographers, there is a new toy in town and it is a beast! Well a chinese beast (lol) , the Nikon D7500 is a mid-range DSLR that succeeds the D7200 and shares much in common with the higher-end D500. It has the same 20.9-megapixel APS-C sensor (without an antialiasing filter) as the D500, and the same Expeed 5 image processor. (more…)


Kenya Government Fear Of Technology?

Africa is the next frontier, raise your hand up if you are tired of hearing that iconic line that just seems to be a line and not a reality. It is almost synonymous with the catchphrase Nigerian youths are tired of hearing “you are the leaders of tomorrow”.  Are you not tired of seeing over $50 Billion worth of resources leave the country every year and nobody is doing anything about it.  (more…)


This Galaxy S8 vs. iPhone 7 drop test is brutal Yes Nigerians reading this you heard me right, someone took $1600 to buy an Iphone 7 red and the Samsung Galaxy S8, only to just completely destroy it!  With $1600 i could pay an entire village school fees for like 10 years. The youtuber (EverythingApplePro) that thought of this cool monstrosity was not even paid by the companies in question, but thankfully he got youtube to pay him and he did it before youtube adverts market share began to slide into oblivion. It's a little painful to watch two brand-new phones get tortured, but it's all