#SpaceAppsJos 2017 registration is now opened

Nigeria’s Leading Innovation Hub To Host NASA Space Apps Challenge 2017 For The Second Time! In its last edition, the challenge brought together so many talented people; enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, designers and wannabes alike, who worked on different projects, in different teams but with a common aim of solving some of the problems the world is facing. Few among the theme challenges were eMobile Pastoralism, Aircheck and Earth Live. It took place at nHub Nigeria Jos, one of the three centers selected in Nigeria to host the event last year, joining Liverpoo


How To Make $100 A Month On The Internet

The fastest way to make money on the internet is to provide services as a freelancer, you would have to be a very multitasking superhuman consultant that is not ashamed to market your service.  As business person sometimes your name is not important, once people know what you do, they will surely find you. Start by evaluating yourself , what services can you provide for other people on the internet. (more…)