Tech Alert! Flying hoverboards set to debut in 2017

Flying hoverboards are set to make a debut in 2017 and the tech bug in me has gone cray cray!  Alexandru Duru, balancing on a homemade hoverboard 16 feet above the surface, flew a distance of 905 feet, 2 inches—smashing the previous Guinness World Record (a measly 164 feet) for the farthest hoverboard flight. “Riding it is a feeling that no other machine can provide,” Duru says. “Nothing comes close.” (more…)


2016 Nzem Berom Festival In Plateau State Nigeria

Going on in Plateau State, Nigeria is  the 2016 Nzem Berom festival and it is beautiful.  Some people might call it barbaric but the festival is showcasing the journey of the people of the land to where they are now. This particular festival hasn't been celebrated in the last eight years in the state for reasons unknown to me but if things keep on improving, we would be expecting the festival to become international very soon.  See more pics below... (more…)


See What You Missed At This Year’s Penis Festival

Penis candid for sale anyone! The Festival of the Steel Phallus (Kanamara Matsuri) in Kawasaki, Japan is weirdly back again. According to Huffpost, Revelers in the streets paraded peen-shaped Shinto shrines called “mikoshi,” emphasizing the spiritual roots of the schlong-a-thon. The festival’s inspiration reportedly goes way back. In the 17th century, a 1-meter “Steel Phallus” was reportedly erected by a local blacksmith that honored Shinto deities of fertility and childbirth. Prostitutes were believed to have prayed there for protection from sexual diseases